Ready to take the next step into the world of UV printing?

In the dynamic realm of signage printing, staying ahead means leveraging the right materials and strategies to maximize profitability. Among the array of options available, printing on corrugated plastic stands out as a cost-effective solution with boundless potential. In this article, we’ll delve into why corrugated plastic printing is a game-changer for sign shops and explore innovative ways to sell signage.

Why Corrugated Plastic Printing?

Corrugated plastic material holds immense promise for sign shops looking to enhance their offerings. Here’s why it’s a profitable choice:

Cost Efficiency

Corrugated Plastic offers exceptional value for money. Its affordability compared to traditional materials like metal or wood enables sign shops to maintain competitive pricing while preserving healthy profit margins.


Whether it’s political signs, event banners, or real estate boards, corrugated plastic adapts to various signage needs effortlessly. Its versatility appeals to diverse clientele, from businesses to political campaigns, amplifying your market reach.


Withstanding the elements is crucial for outdoor signage, and corrugated plastic excels in this regard. Its weather-resistant properties ensure longevity, translating to satisfied customers and repeat business for your shop.


Corrugated Plastic’s smooth surface allows for seamless printing using techniques like flatbed printing. This compatibility ensures vibrant, high-quality graphics that captivate audiences and deliver messages effectively, enhancing customer satisfaction and retention.


Innovative Signage Selling Strategies

Now, let’s explore creative avenues for selling signage that can elevate your business:

Targeted Campaigns

Identify niche markets, such as political campaigns or local businesses, and tailor your marketing efforts to address their specific needs. Highlight the benefits of corrugated plastic signage, such as affordability and durability, to resonate with these audiences effectively.

Bundle Deals

Create bundled packages that combine corrugated plastic signage with complementary products or services. Offering discounts on bulk orders or package deals incentivizes customers to choose your shop over competitors, driving sales and revenue.

Community Engagement

Establish a presence in your local community by sponsoring events, fundraisers, or community initiatives. By aligning your brand with local causes and organizations, you can build trust and loyalty while generating leads for your signage business.

SEO Optimization

Craft content that incorporates relevant keywords such as “flatbed printing,” “signage,” “political signs,” and “Xante” to enhance your online visibility. By optimizing your website and blog posts, you can attract organic traffic from individuals searching for signage solutions, increasing your chances of conversion.

Online Storefront

Invest in an e-commerce platform that showcases your corrugated plastic signage offerings. Optimize product descriptions and images for search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find and purchase your products online.

Printing on corrugated plastic opens doors to profitability and growth for sign shops, thanks to its affordability, versatility, and printability. By implementing targeted marketing strategies and embracing innovative selling approaches, you can capitalize on the demand for corrugated plastic signage and position your business for success.