Xante iQueue PDF-Out


iQueue to any printer

The new PDF-Out feature allows users to set up digital files using iQueue’s advanced features, such as Imposition, spot color matching, and variable data, and save them as high-res PDFs for output to any digital printer on your network including non-Xanté devices.

  • Open iQueue Workflow
  • Locate the top toolbar
  • Select File > Add > Print to PDF
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How it works

Let iQueue Workflow drive every digital print device in your shop. Until now, iQueue’s powerful prepress tools and workflow automation could only be used in conjunction with Xanté digital printers / presses. But, iQueue’s new PDF-Out feature allows users to setup customer files for output to additional (non-Xante) digital printing devices. iQueue makes it easy to handle complex digital files, make independent CMYK density adjustments, match critical spot colors, apply imposition / tiling, generate QR Codes, and share files between workstations.

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Xanté, HWC, iQueue and Right-On are trademarks or registered trademarks of Xanté Corporation. Adobe, Adobe PDF, and PostScript 3 are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. PANTONE® and all other PANTONE, Inc. trademarks are the property of PANTONE, Inc. USPS®, NCOA™, CASS™ and Presort® are registered trademarks of the United States Postal Service. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Patent Pending Technology: RightON US Pat. No. 8743421